When you think of the Power Rangers, it's the Red Ranger who pops up in your mind first. And it's been that way ever since the show began. No one knows exactly what's so appealing nearly the Red Ranger, just something about Ruby-red attracts fans to the character. Information technology could be the leadership skills, that eagerness for battle and justice, or but how fix he is to bounce dorsum from whatever state of affairs. Any the reason, fans tin't go enough of the Red Ranger. Non for nothing has the graphic symbol become so emblematic of the team.

While most die-hard fans might think they know everything virtually the Ruddy Ranger, they'd exist surprised to learn there are tons of dark secrets out in that location that the evidence's producers or the actors who portrayed Large Cherry might not want yous to know. These folks don't blatantly attempt to proceed the truth from fans merely they're definitely not smashing on some of the more risqué facts being publicized. Since the bear witness is aimed at a younger demographic, some of the mature elements don't jive well with children. But for clarity's sake, nosotros've compiled together a list of the darkest secrets involving the Reddish Ranger, regardless of how intense they may be.

15 Practice THE Ruddy RANGERS Have IRL BEEF?

Austin St. John and Jason David Frank in Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

Austin St. John was the beginning thespian to portray the Reddish Ranger on Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. He's arguably the nearly recognizable member of the original team - with the exception of Jason David Frank. And it's really this rising in popularity that instigated a confrontation betwixt Frank and St. John.

Over the years, rumors of the ii former Mighty Morphin Ability Rangers having a personal dispute became widely known. Aught physical has come of it, nor have the claims been substantiated. But, both St. John and Frank take addressed the rumors in their own ways. What's interesting almost their responses is that neither of them has talked directly to each other in a public forum, or accept jointly made a statement in regards to the rumors. That may mean cypher, merely the rumors do be for a reason.


Andros and Zhane in Power Rangers In Space

On Power Rangers In Space, the Reddish Ranger, Andros, had i of the almost troublesome backstories, filled with loss. Not much happens to Andros but those shut to him suffer quite a bit. For instance, his sis, Karone, was captured as a child and transformed into the evil Astronema. Nothing's ever said about their parents but it's presumed they were killed when Nighttime Specter'south forces attacked KO-35.

Somewhen, Andros convinces Astronema of her past and she embraces her identity as Karone. Of course, their reunion doesn't last very long with Darkonda recapturing Karone and turning her into a brainwashed cyborg, except that's non the simply loss Andros suffers. He too loses his best friend, Zhane, when a long-fought battle on KO-35 ends with Zhane severely injured. Andros so places him into cryogenic stasis which lasts two years. Zhane wakes up shortly after Andros assembles the rest of his team and returns to being the Argent Ranger.

13 RED GOES Night

Jason almost kills Tommy in Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

To the surprise of many, Austin St. John made his return to Power Rangers by making a small cameo in Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. In it, St. John's graphic symbol, Jason returns as an unwitting hostage in Divatox'due south plans for resurrecting Maligore. Divatox uses him and Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson) equally the sacrifices in her ritual, which winds up turning them into her minions.

As a mindless slave, Jason (Austin St. John) beats on the Power Rangers, including his former teammate, Tommy. With a supernatural level of force, Jason easily defeats them all. He even comes close to killing Tommy. The practiced news is that Divatox's ritual isn't permanent. Lerigot and Yara are able to use their magical abilities to revert them back to normal.


Leo and Mike in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy

In Ability Rangers: Lost Milky way, Leo Corbett wound upwardly becoming the Crimson Milky way Ranger but he wasn't the get-go. It was actually his blood brother, Mike who was supposed to assume command of the Quasar Sabre and become a ranger, but he sacrificed himself to save Leo, giving him the sword in the procedure.

Nosotros don't encounter it until later on but Mike is actually saved at the last minute by the Magna Defender'due south restless spirit. Stuck in the cavern Mike fell into, the Magna Defender merged with him and whisked them away to safety. The Magna Defender'southward spirit remained with Mike until he was given closure and immune a last residuum. Mike was and so granted all of the Defender's powers and allowed to return to his ain life aboard Terra Venture.


Ricardo Medina Jr. in Power Rangers Wild Force

Back in 2015, Ricardo Medina, the thespian who portrayed Cole Evans on Power Rangers Wild Forcefulness, was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Medina and his roommate, Josh Sutter, got into an argument that turned fatal for the latter. The cause of their dispute turned out to be Medina's girlfriend of the time, which led to Medina stabbing Sutter with a sword he had nearby.

In court, the guess ruled that Medina showed a blatant disregard for life, sentencing him to vi years in prison. His sentencing took place in March of 2017, which means Medina won't be out until 2023. Although, early releases aren't unheard of then he could be let out earlier. Of class, the nature of the criminal offense Medina was charged with might cistron into the courtroom's conclusion.


Ricardo Medina Jr. (Deker) in Power Rangers: Samurai

Before getting jailed for the murder of his roommate, Medina took on another function in the Power Rangers universe, this time every bit Deker in Power Rangers: Samurai. He starts off every bit somewhat of an ambiguous graphic symbol but becomes a Nighlok after he'due south revived by Serrator. Deker's career as a Nighlok takes him on some misguided adventures only he shows everyone that he still holds a level of honor regardless of the situation.

When Dayu Dahlia is about to meet her easily at the Rangers' hands, Deker risks his own life in the process. What this proves is Deker'southward centre remained continued to Dahlia fifty-fifty without memories of her. He also emphasizes his lawmaking of honor by seeking out formidable enemies to face off in a samurai lucifer-upwards. Deker chooses Jayden, the Red Samurai Ranger as his primary target and goes about his challenge in the most honorable of means.

9 POWER RANGERS: Fourth dimension Forcefulness HAD 3 RED RANGERS

Red Ranger United Special

While it'south no secret that Ability Rangers: Fourth dimension Force had 2 Cerise Rangers, the normal Red and the Quantum Blood-red, fans might non remember that Wes's afar relative, Alex, was the Carmine Time Strength Ranger of the hereafter. Alex only made 1 advent every bit a Ranger but that doesn't disqualify him from membership. He goes on to bring together the team in a support position later on in the series.

After Alex is supposedly killed, he returns as the commander of the Shadow Winger. He sends it back in time to assist Wes and the other Rangers on several occasions, piloting the transport from a remote console. Alex keeps his identity as the Shadow Winger'south pilot a secret until he decides information technology's the correct time to rejoin the team. When the team reunites, everyone is excited, except for Jen. She doesn't share Alex's views anymore and comes to realize that she loves Wes, non Alex. In the end, she dumps Alex and ventures back to the past to live with Wes.


Adi Shankar Power Rangers Short Film

Out of all the Power Ranger projects around, Adi Shankar's brusk film Power Rangersis probably the near infamous. Peradventure information technology was due to the dark story told therein, or maybe it was the realistic violence non usually associated with the Ability Rangers' brand. Either way, information technology was a contentious experiment with the belongings.

What Shankar's film did succeed in was killing off nigh of the original team in savage and inventive ways; the Red Ranger to be specific. All of the Rangers suffered violent ends but seeing Jason (played by Adi Shankar, himself) ambushed and gunned down by a hail of bullets was probably the most cruel of them all. It'due south actually Jason and Kimberly's honeymoon that gets interrupted past Bulk, Skull, and a group of henchmen, adding notwithstanding another level of savagery to his death.


On Power Rangers: Overdrive, Mack Hartford's status as an android remained hidden for some time. It wasn't until Kamdor'south virus affects the Rangers' base that Mack learns of his truthful nature. Upon discovering this new side of himself, Mack confronts his father over non telling him the truth. He then goes on a journey of self-discovery that'south more problematic than anything.

In a Mack-centric episode, he finds issue with his hobbies and general interests. He can't tell if the things in his heed are his ain or placed there past programming. The ordeal makes him question everything but he somewhen comes to terms with it. Mack is rewarded in the end with him going through a Pinocchio transformation; i.eastward. from wooden boy to real boy.


Drakkon kills Jason in Power Rangers comics

In the latest volume of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers comics, Tommy Oliver becomes a truthful villain. Technically, it's an alternate version of Tommy, but it's him, fifty-fifty if he does go by the name Lord Drakkon. Having combined the Green and White ranger coins, Drakkon is the nefarious ruler of his world. A few issues into the arc, nosotros learn that Tommy actually killed most of the Ability Rangers from his world.

Drakkon's first attack on the Rangers happened at the Command Center during Jason'due south rise. Jason was supposed to exist imbued with the White Ranger's powers simply Drakkon interrupted, taking the power for himself. At the same time, Drakkon killed Jason to cement his condition equally Globe'southward ruler. Soon after, Drakkon also killed Blastoff-half dozen, Zordon, and Ninjor, adding to the e'er-growing list of casualties.


Leanbow / Korrag The Knight Wolf in Power Rangers: Mystic Force

The Mystic Force's Blood-red Ranger, Bowen, was separated from his biological parents at birth. Because of a war in Magic World, Bowen wound upward in the human being dimension where the Russels took him in. What Bowen would acquire afterward on is that Leanbow and Udonna of the Mystic Wizards are his parents; Leanbow being of particular interest.

Twenty years before the Mystic Strength Rangers are assembled, Leanbow and the Mystic Wizards waged war on the Underworld. Due to the Morlocks getting out of control, the Mystic Wizards had no option but to seal them off from everyone else. To accomplish this, Leanbow had to stay behind. The matter is, Leanbow became tainted by the Underworld and Octomus transforms him into the evil Koragg, a loyal minion. Leanbow is eventually freed merely non earlier he attacks the Mystic Rangers on several divide occasions, well-nigh killing his son in the procedure.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers cast shot

Equally some fans may or may non know, Mighty Morphin' Ability Rangers was an extremely low upkeep TV series. It was a lucrative investment for Haim Saban and the producers but the actors who played Ability Rangers were pushed to the side, given minimal compensation for their efforts. To address this, Austin St. John and two of his co-stars asked for more money, but when they did, Haim Saban refused to cough up the greenbacks they deserved.

In the cease, Austin St. John, Walter Jones, and Thuy Trang left over the disputes. The second flavor of MMPR began with them handing over the reigns to new Cherry, Black, and Yellow Rangers. Their replacements weren't as widely liked merely became accepted over time. Rocky (Steve Cardenas) kept his championship of Cerise Ranger up until Power Rangers Zeo when he swapped out the red arrange for a blue ane.


Rocky (James Van Der Beek) in Power Rangers Short Film

Adi Shankar's curt film takes the dark twists fifty-fifty farther past making Rocky a fellow member of the Machine Empire. Unlike his MMPR analogue, this version of Rocky is happy to be rid of his Power Ranger gear. We never become an explanation as to why Rocky leaves the Rangers but the amputated leg might be the crusade.

The Power Rangers take always confronted bad situations head-on and they've generally been left unscathed. However, the night universe depicted in Adi Shankar's universe tells us those grave injuries are common; Rocky's leg existence testify. If it is, Rocky'southward injury could exist the reason why he switched sides. If the Rangers felt he was incapable of existence the Red Ranger and so they probably relieved him of duty. In doing so, that likely left Rocky with no option but to bring together the Motorcar Empire.


Zordon / Red Ranger Bryan Cranston in Power Rangers Reboot

Regardless of whether you were a fan of the recent reboot or not, it fabricated some interesting alterations to the Power Rangers' origins. Ane of them was Zordon's identity earlier he became a giant floating caput. What he was, was a Power Ranger-- the Red ane to exist exact.

The moving picture's prologue depicts Zordon / Scarlet Ranger fighting off Rita in a terminal-ditch effort to cease her from dominating the planet. Their fight ends with Zordon crawling through the mud simply he manages to seal Rita upwardly in a tomb of his own making. Unfortunately for Zordon, his body is badly damaged in the fight, requiring him to enter a kind of stasis. He has a take chances to repossess the championship of Red Ranger and his body during the motion picture just gives it up to resurrect Baton Cranston.


Power Rangers Dark Rangers

Something even the most hardcore fans may not recall is that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had a team of Dark Rangers on it. Yes, the Psycho Rangers weren't the first iteration of evil Rangers, it was really Lord Zedd'due south squad of bullies on MMPR. He recruited several bullies from Angel Grove High to become the perfect antithesis to the Rangers.

Zedd started off with Justin, the leader of a keen gang at the Rangers' school, transforming him into the Dark Cherry Ranger. Zedd and then moved on from there, creating i Nighttime Ranger to fight each of the Ability Rangers. Simply of course the "Power Rangers" put a swift finish to their evil counterparts. Plus, the Dark Ranger story arc was limited to 2 episodes and so they actually couldn't cause much impairment in that short corporeality of fourth dimension.

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