Canadian Club the Best in the House Glass Set
The Ultimate Tasting Experience
The Official Competition Judging Glass - Lets every spirit speak for itself
Taste the Truth
(one) Artisan Spirits Glass, European Crystalline
(2) Artisan Spirits Glasses, European Crystalline
(4) Experience Glasses Connoisseurs Set Costless shipping
Experience Tasters Kit, (ii) Feel Glasses, Towel Costless Shipping
Free Aircraft Over $60 (Mix-Match, any production combo)
About us
Prior to 2012, the purpose of a spirits glass was to deliver drink from container to mouth, then scientific discipline built a meliorate glass, with a focus on human sensory and maximizing drinking enjoyment.
In 2002, a simple glass blowing mistake revealed a single amazing concept displaying the true expressions of all spirits, launching a new scientific approach to drinking enjoyment and understanding. Naturally Engineered Odor Applied science (NEAT) is the foundation for the best spirits glass available. Flavor is 90% scent, and every spirits glass should display all aromas and enhance flavor.
Science Congenital A BETTER Drinking glass
and everybody nose it.
NEAT is the Ultimate Spirits Glass
Large Surface area - more than aromas to appreciate
Swirling -curved sides enhance swirling and evaporation, unlocking hidden aromas
Alcohol Burn down - booze aromas misemploy over the rim to display and enhance all character aromas. No booze fire.
Sugariness Spot - intense, unmasked aromas in centre at rim level, no nose-burn down or numbing
Low contour delivers more flavorful aromas. Concur in palm to warm, at neck to absurd. All-time make full is i 1/2 oz. Swirl, close mouth, inhale slowly through nose at the rim airplane to detect aromas without numbing ethanol.
What the Experts Say
"Not bad is the simply glass that eliminates alcohol burn while enhancing scent."
—Anthony Dias Bluish | EIC Tasting Panel Mag, Founder SFWSC
"The Groovy Glass is by far the best nosing glass available in the marketplace today."
— Victor Vann | EIC Beverage Manufacture News
"With Slap-up I can experience exactly what the spirit is about."
— Robin Robinson | Author of The Consummate Whiskey Course
"The Corking Glass allows me to gustation the quality in my spirits, not the booze burn."
— Warren Bobrow | Author of The Cocktail Whisperer
competition level performance lets every spirit speak for itself
Accolade Winning
Official Contest Judging Glass for over thirty major International events annually makes NEAT the most widely used judging glass in the world.
130,000 spirits judged
35,000 medals awarded since 2012
Bars, Restaurants, Events
Order Bulk Smashing Glasses Bare or Engraved.
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