Fire Emblem Three Houses Best Classes for Petra


Fire Emblem: Three Houses launches this Friday, and right off the bat, y'all're faced with a big decision: Which of the iii houses volition yous choose? Much like Harry Potter's business firm organisation, these schools are dwelling house to students of dissimilar backgrounds, motivations, and weapon preferences. Choosing a single firm is a massive commitment, so nosotros're showing you everything we know about each house to help yous make an informed conclusion.

If some aspects of another house grab your eye, don't worry; there's nearly likely a way to incorporate a few of them into your chosen house. If, for instance, there's one or two characters from a different business firm you want on your team, yous'll be able to convert some characters to your side with some perseverance. Likewise, no firm is entirely ane-note: The Blue Lions will still have mages and archers, merely as the Red Eagles and Gilt Deer will have lance-users. No one side is entirely good or evil (or neutral), either. Everyone has their motivations, virtues, and flaws.

Black Eagles

Blackness Eagles

Suited for: Magic users, those who challenge the status quo

The vast and powerful Adrestrian Empire hails from the southern region of the continent Fódlan, whom the Black Eagles represent at the Officers Academy. They value justice and are willing to make sacrifices if information technology ultimately achieves that finish. Members of the Blackness Eagles are mostly nobles, and have a fierce rivalry with the Blue Lions.

Gainsay style: The Black Eagles are primarily magic users, meaning that you lot'll be using elemental attacks that vary in range, such as fire, thunder, wind, and also healing. This blazon of play might entreatment more to those who similar a wider multifariousness of options when dealing with an enemy, and who like the added security of healing spells from characters other than defended healers.


Leader:The leader of the Black Eagles is Edelgard, the Adrestrian Empire'southward future emperor. She takes pride in seeking out talented individuals, only isn't always the most outgoing. Most of the time, however, Edelgard puts off a cool-yet-focused demeanor.

Black Eagles' Students

  • Amid those enrolled in the Black Eagles is Hubert, a caffeine-addicted and sarcastic emo male child whose loyalty to Edelgard is unmatched. Hubert seems to be a cold-blooded private, going across what others are willing to do in gild to ensure victory.
  • Petra is a foreigner from ane of the Adrestrian Empire's vassal states, and thus has difficulty grasping Fódlan'southward linguistic communication, which is demonstrated in humorous scenarios. Nonetheless, she studies difficult and fights vehemently against bigotry.
  • Possessing an exceedingly carefree personality, Linhardt has a addiction of shirking off his responsibilities whenever he can, usually to accept a nap. The exception to this is when he researches crests, where he can lose himself to his work.
  • Bernadetta is debilitatingly shy and isolated, only other characters endeavor to become her to footstep outside her crush, to varying success.
  • Although a fleck overzealous,Caspar has a strong sense of justice, loathing dishonesty and inequality.
  • Dorothea is the merely commoner from the Black Eagles, but tries to run into all of her peers as equals. She came from an opera company, and thus has an affinity for singing.
  • Coming from a high-ranking class of nobles, Ferdinand is very proud of his status. Non wanting anyone to surpass him in ability, he is frustrated with Edelgard for, well, doing just that. The two have a friendly rivalry, both inspiring and challenging each other on ideas.

Bluish Lions

Bluish Lions

Suited for: Lance users, those who "covet forcefulness and chivalry"

The Blue Lions represent the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, to the due north of Fódlan. They too take their ready of values, only these values differ from those of the Black Eagles, leading the two business firm to butt heads. Also like the Blackness Eagles, the Bluish Lions consist more often than not of nobles.

Combat style: Equally lance-users, the Blueish Lions are best suited for players who similar to get upwards close and personal with the enemy, throwing themselves into the fray in order to deal serious damage. The Blue Lions favor this type of close-quarters combat, you'll have to devise sound strategies to protect your lance-wielding units from condign overwhelmed, as well every bit having an escape route in place if your plans go awry. They offer a nervus-wracking playstyle that is also rewarding.


Leader: Leader of the Bluish Lions is Dimitri, who is next in line to Faerghus' throne. He'south the apotheosis of a knight, chivalrous and defended, but something far more sinister may lie beneath his (metaphorical) conform of armor.

Blue Lions' Students

  • Dimitri'southward correct-hand man, Dedue acts as a bit of an changed to Dimitri. He initially seems cold and harsh, but in authenticity he'due south a big softy. While he's very protective of his male monarchhoped-for, he'll share his beloved of gardening with those he trusts.
  • Sylvain is a womanizer, through and through. While loyal to his friends, you've likely seen Sylvain's classic in anime and JRPGs before. Get to know him and discover out why he's like this and the outcome of his noble upbringing on it.
  • Fitting the Blue Lions' ideal clarification of a knight, Ingridis "principled" and "industrious," according to Dimitri, one of her childhood friends.
  • Having graduated from the academy early due to excellent grades, Annette has wisdom far beyond her years in terms of schoolwork, merely often stumbles in other areas, such as cooking.
  • Mercedes is driven to help others whatever way she tin, living as a commoner to do and then, fifty-fifty though she was built-in a noble. Her endless sweetness ways she comes off a bit saccharine, however.
  • Felix comes across equally harsh and overly competitive, only… no, actually he is just that. There'southward often more than than meets the eye with these types of characters, but from everything published about the character, that may exist information technology here.
  • Although born equally a commoner, Ashe was adopted and raised by a high-ranking noble. He works hard so he tin stand up among his noble peers equally equals.

Gilded Deer

Golden Deer

Suited for: Archers, those who dislike conflict

The Gilt Deer stand for the Leicester Alliance, which is governed past a quango of nobles rather than any i male monarch or emperor. In most cases, they prefer to avert disharmonize whenever possible, only engaging in battle when necessary.

Combat style: Archers tend to play more conservatively than other units, typically having less defense and needing to exist a safe distance apart from enemy units to effectively bargain harm. Players with a more tepid approach to combat may feel safer with more archer units chipping away at enemy health, but even this option tin accept mortiferous consequences if you're not paying attention.


Leader: As leader of the Golden Deer, Claude is adjacent in line to become noble of the alliance's leading house. His carefree way and friendly — and occasionally flirty — disposition quickly wins him allies. Despite this, some note a more secretive side to the noble.

Gilt Deer'southward Students

  • Lorenz too comes from a noble house, though of bottom status, and is desperately searching for someone to marry. He seems a scrap snobbish and needs to piece of work on how he approaches women, but he isn't ever aware of the impression he makes.
  • The sole girl of a high-ranking noble house, Hilda prefers to have others to practice the dirty piece of work while she relaxes. She'southward found effective means to convince others to practice simply that. Her daintiness is just for show, however. If she's forced to go onto the battlefield, she'll wreck shop.
  • Raphael is a "tough guy" with a "rough life." His parents died when he was immature, but he maintains a cheery mental attitude. Although academics aren't his strong adjust, (nor is finding a plumbing fixtures shirt) Raphael dedicates himself incessantly to torso-building and preparation, all with a smile on his confront.
  • The virtually relatable student here, Leonie is only able to attend the Officer'southward Academy thanks to a large loan from her village, and works constantly to pay off her debt. Nosotros'll see if she's finally paid it off later on the five-year time skip. If tuition is anything like it is here, we doubt it.
  • Lysithea is a child prodigy, much like Annette, only her surface area of expertise lies in sorcery. Her family was severely punished for a revolt against the Adrestrian Empire, but she was too immature to call up that event.
  • Ignatz'south parents enrolled him at the Officer's Academy to become a knight, but he has a far greater passion for nature and fine art. He's serenity yet kind, and always keen to point out the academy's beautiful compages.
  • Similar Ignatz, Marianne shares a love for nature and a quiet demeanor, merely her silence comes more than from a lack of cocky-conviction. She spends a majority of her time praying to the goddess, whom she prefers to talk to over her swain peers.

Ultimately, who you choose is up to you lot. Nosotros promise this helped make your decision a fiddling easier, and cheque out our New Gameplay Today video where Kim Wallace shows off some of the game'due south features, as well as Javy Gwaltney's preview of the game from E3. Let united states of america know which house you'll be choosing in the comments, when the game launches on July 26 for Nintendo Switch.


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